When you are laying your head on a guy's chest, he has the world. 当你把头靠在男人的胸膛上时,他就拥有了全世界。
Right now, you might be shaking your head in frustration, thinking of "that guy in the office down the hall" who handles security. 现在,您可能在受挫地摇着头,想着:“在办公大厅另一端那个人”负责处理安全性。
Head teacher Guy Holloway says the move for all sixth form pupils, set to kick in from September, has been made in light of research by neuroscientists. 校长盖伊·霍洛威称这项计划将会在9月实施,计划是根据神经科学家们的研究制定的。
Lara Mowery, head of global property speciality at Guy Carpenter, said property insurers were being squeezed as primary insurance rate increases were restricted by local regulators, and companies 'surpluses from previous years have shrunk. 佳达全球产险业务总监劳拉莫厄里(LaraMowery)表示,由于提高主保险费率受到地方监管机构的限制,以及企业过去几年的盈余已经缩减,财产保险公司正在承受压力。
Kakashi ( in his head): This guy is dangerous 卡卡西(心里想):这家伙很危险
Luther Head could be a key guy off the bench because he's become such a good shooter, he's improved his handle and he plays both ends while being able to defend the bigger guards. 头头作为一个优秀的射手能成为板凳球员里的关键先生,他提高了自己的持球能力,并要在球场的两端能克制住比他高大的后卫们。
Head should learn from Hamilton, that guy is so good, I like him. 海德应该学习一下汉密尔顿,这个家伙这么优秀,我喜欢他。
From Bullet in the Head to the Infernal Affairs, the guy can really nail any role that's handed to him. 从《喋血街头》到《无间道》,这个人真的能融入任何一个交到他手上的角色。
We can't get it through his head to just take that move because you're going to beat the guy anyway. 我们没法钻进他的脑袋命令他快点走开,你不管怎样都要打败对手。